First, i want to ask you all to please zoom in on my earrings as i made a wrong choice by wearing a pair of black earrings. *sad face*.
What do you think of when you hear these two words "SELF WORTH"?. For me it means standing up for everything that stands for my values as a person, having self esteem and even having self respect for myself. As the saying goes respect is reciprocal. Before you continue reading please take some time out to subscribe to my blog by email or clicking subscribe button.
In today's post i will be sharing an event that has occurred in my life recently and how i has brought on so much negativity; i will also share how i am dealing with it in a more positive way.
This incident really made me think of how much negativity surrounds us and we do even realize, it takes a lot of making excuses before you finally realize that it exists and cutting ties is best to eliminate negative vibes and bring on the positive vibe.
When I look at myself in the mirror, i see a young beautiful, smart, intellectual, ambitious and self confident young lady. I always think to myself that looking at ones self in a positive way in a mirror is a very psychological thing. I takes the grace of God to constantly think positively about yourself despite what people think, say or how they treat or make you feel.
My story; I began blogging again after a long break and deciding that it was really what i was passionate about. Over the years, there are have been times when i have felt like; the support needed to increase. Two years down the line i dont even question myself i am even more confident than ever.
On this journey as I call it. I appreciate everybody that has made it possible for me to be the best i can be, you all know i say this alot in most of my blog post.
I worked with a key person on my blogging journey so far, the outcome recently was a shocker to me. Although, i knew that this individual was a little cocky i never knew that Slander would be the next thing on the agenda.
I mean how can i genuinely work with you for two years and you have nothing positive to say about me...hmmm i must be the devil. Oh well that life not everyone happy for your success and growth.
Its funny how people closest to you are even the worst. I tell everyone that cares to know, your enemy is as close to you as you Vagina is to your cervix or as your tip of your nose is to your cupids bow. All this been said, i decide to look on the more positive aspect which is my growth and self worth. So please no matter how people treat you or what they say about you dont be discouraged do what you must for your own benefits and sanity.
Lets talk about my gorgeous outfit by @zaful ive shared the details below.
One of my favorite spring trends is styling pastel shades of any color; pink, nudes, mint green and blue as i have done in today's post. I love off the shoulder everything and this dress is just my kind of outfit. It embodies everything i stand for. Classy, simple yet Chic (Sheek).
I paired this dress with my gorgeous pastel blue pumps by @justfab. I love the contrast in the shades of pastel blue that this look creates. I will be discussing what Monochromatic really means and why its an easy way of styling that catches on real quick you can be like (HIlary Clinton).
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and it inspired you to be more confident in yourself and know your self worth. Also, hey dont forget to style a monochromatic pastel outfit this beautiful spring season.
Thank you for stopping by as always ! Also, let me know what your thoughts are on this subject (SELF WORTH).
Dress; Zaful
Shoes; Just fab
Sunnies; Ross
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